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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Well done Coca Cola ! Light Plus Antioxidant

Yesterday on Europe1 I was listening to Luc Montagnier, Virologue, ancien professeur à l'institut Pasteur, codécouvreur du VIH. He was saying that the antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in dietary supplements in the hope of maintaining health and preventing diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease.

Today I was at our restaurant and what do I see : Coca Cola Light Plus Antioxidant ! I bought it to try. It seems Coca-Cola has very well understood what drives consumers to buy such a product... Wel done Coca Cola.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ne pas galvauder son talent

Ne pas galvauder son talent

Ce qui fait la valeur d'un être n'est :
ni son talent,
ni ses dons naturels,
ni ses capacités, ni sa beauté...

Sa valeur se juge
à ce qu'il fera de son potentiel;
aptitudes ou handicaps.

Il est si triste de vivre
en dessous de ses possibilités !

Le talent galvaudé ...
est de l'or jeté par les fenêtres.

Source : Petite philosophie pour ceux qui veulent atteindre le sommet de la montagne ", édition numéro 1, Catherine Rambert

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Print Media Technology on ePaper

Last friday (feb 29, 2008), we travelled to Switzerland to
participate to an event around ePaper organized by a company called iWare and heig-vd (Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie du Canton de Vaud).

It was a good opportunity to make a nice mini-trip in Switzerland and have a good overview of the ePaper market.

All the orators were quiet good. I also wanted to meet Mr Soccavo who is the author of the Nouvolivractu blog that I follow.

We could have a look at different eBook readers. Here : the Bookeen of Cybook.