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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What are your projects ?

Yesterday I heard someone on TV saying :

"A lot of problems in our society come from the absence of projects".

It's true. Nothing is more depressing than not having projects. When you don't have a perspective you don't think about your future, you only think about the past and how it was the good times. Instead, you should always look forward and catch the opportunities that the future brings. Working on projects allow you to have recognition from your peers and/or auto-satisfaction.

This statement nevertheless is maybe a bit too simple :
  • What happens when you have tried many times to contribute to a project and you have failed multiple times ?
  • Why should we always move forward ? Some people need to have projects, maybe other prefer not to have projects ? Where is the freedom ? (See the joke on the Harvard MBA)
  • How can we find projects where everybody gets the "what's in it for me ?" question answered ? What if everybody wants to be the project manager ?
But in general, I agree with the statement. When I list my personal goals in life, I can identify the projects that I need to undertake to reach my goals. (By the way, my goals should be SMART, otherwise I'll never be happy).

So if the statement is true.: as human beings, we need projects.

The next questions are than:
  • what are my personal projects which will make me happy ?
  • what are my family projects ?
  • what are my community/village/team/work projects
  • what are my country's projects ?
  • what the world's project ?
and for all those projects, why do we want to have those projects ? Are they for a good cause ? How do they interact with each other ?

It's up to us all to select the projects which add value, respect the people and the nature. Many projects don't help us and nevertheless we contribute to them... Let's try to step out of these.

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