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Monday, July 27, 2009

Already 3 Museums this summer

This summer we already visited 3 museum

First, in Vienna we visited The Belvedere where there was a special exposition of Klimt.

In Paris, this weekend we visited an exposition of Kandinsky at the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Musée d'Orsay.

Tour de France 2009 : My Photos

A picture I took yesterday Rue de Rivoli.

And an other one is 700m before the arrival, during the last round, place de la concorde.

Still 700 Euros needed for the iRex Digital Reader 1000S

Today I have to read a lot of documents (RFPs, white papers), therefore it would be more comfortable to print them.

But I feel ashamed to print documents just to read them and than throw them away. 75% of the people feel the same way (see the article from DataNews : "Vous imprimez et vous en avez honte").

Last year already I wanted to buy the iRex DR 1000s and as one can see the price has been the same for more than 6 months now. It is still 699 Euros.

I'm an enthusiast about ePaper but with this level of price I doubt it will become mainstream soon.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Following celebrities on Twitter

Recently I started to follow a celebrity for the first time : Lance Armstrong (@lancearmstrong). Before that I thought following a celebrity was something not so interesting but now I follow Armstrong, I might change my mind.

Just after Lance Armstrong, I started to follow Axel Merckx (@axelmerckx).

It really gives the feeling that you get very close to those people. I enjoy it, in fact.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bicycling accross continents : Bastien Demange

Often I say that one of my dreams is to cross a continent (like America, Central Europe or around the Mediterranean sea) by bicycle for several months.

I always speak about Bastien Demange who did it last year. You'll find a summary of his journey here :

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tour de France 2009

I like the Tour de France a lot. Every night I enjoy the resume on een : Tour2009.

The main question this year is of course "Armstrong or Contador ?"

One can think that this competition within a single team is very unhealthy.

I don't think so.

First, it's excellent for the team because it's excellent for the sponsors: Astana. Every day that question comes back again and again.

Second, it's an excellent strategy for winning. If the Astana team mates can bring the 2 leaders safely at the top of the race when the real battle can begin, than you can let Armstrong and Contador challenge each other and let the fastest win... Plus : if one of the two leaders has a big problem, chances of winning are not lost for the team.

Now I'm curious to see if what I predict will become true : will Armstrong and Contador have a big fight "à la pédale" in the mountain ? I hope so.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

L'homme est égaux

Ce weekend je racontais l'histore de l'Homme est Egaux de Coluche à mon fils Thomas.

Je termine l'histoire en disant :

"l'Homme est Egaux"

Thomas me répond alors

'Et la femme est iste"

Ca m'a bien fait rire...