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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I managed to screw my facebook profile

PS : The problem is solved now.

The other day I noticed my facebook profile was 'jdeclercq'. My Facebook profile page was than

Now in general I try to have "jfdeclercq" (See Social Networks). By hazard I was on a profile page where I could see that 'jfdeclercq' was available. I than changed my profile name to "jfdeclercq".

Since than I can't access my profile...

Nor via jdeclercq :
Nor via jfdeclercq :
Nor via my profile number:

I guess that's the best way to deal with privacy issues with facebook :-)


Unknown said...

Radical !!!
Could be a drama for heavy facebooks users. Is there any kind of support?

jf said...

Now it works again. Hourra !

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