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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tabbloid and FeedJournal : Make your own newspaper everyday

Everyday, I read the web just like I would read the newspaper. I aggregate news feeds in Netvibes.

Now what if you would prefer to read the news off-line or to print it ?

You can use some services which transform the news feeds into a PDF file.I have tested two of them : Tabbloid and FeedJournal, on my own feed. On the right you have Tabbloid, on the left FeedJournal.

For a deeper look, you can download the PDF files here :
What's nice about it: I can receive a daily archive of my blog by email.

Small problem : the services are not very reliable. You don't always get your email...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Relaunch Plans needed for the Next Financial Crash

What we see today is a lot of Relaunch Plans.

Everybody thinks : "We need a relaunch plan for the economy".

But I think :

"Why do we want to relaunch something that is going straight into the wall ?"
"Isn't it a good time to change direction ?"

So, let's relaunch the competitive machine until we crash in the same wall again. Or should I say until we blow the next bubble.

A Smarter Planet with IBM

In 2009, IBM's innovation will focus on a Smarter Planet.

The world needs to be smarter. There are challenges : food, energy, carbon footprints, climate, economy...

Some solutions will come from innovation and IT :
  • Today's transistors/human ratio has never been so high
  • Those "computers" are now interconnected in a huge network
  • They also are more clever, they can report intelligent things.
By using this power we can make better informed decisions and bring a smarter planet.

See here IBM : A Smarter Planet .

The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One day I decided to quit...

One day I decided to quit...

But God said : 'Look around : Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'

Read the story

Le musicien de rue / The street musician

He is playing violin in the street. Nobody is listening to him. Who is he ?

Read a nice story here : The street musician.


Il joue du violon dans la rue. Personne ne l'écoute. Qui est-il ?

Voyez ici : Le musicien de Rue

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Issuu : I'm impressed !

This week, I followed a Twitt Post that made me dicover Issuu.

I'm impressed. It's the Web2.0 version of a FSI like application (cfr Playmobil on the Web with FSI).

Eventually some Landscape Layout that fit my screen. This really allows to read magazines on a PC. If you want an example, have a look here :


I'll try miniblogue just for the fun (
It will appearFor the moment the content will only appear on Netvibes (

I'm thinking about a review of the way I create content because with Blogger, Twitter, Delicious it becomes a mess...

Follow 3911 people on Twitter ?

In twitter I have followers who follow thousands of people. See for example I wonder how it's possible to do that. Why do they do that ?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ré-écoute Europe1

Je suis en train de ré-écouter une émission de Europe1 intitulée: "Internet et la culture : le meilleur ou le pire"

On y parle de Blogs mais également de ePaper et de eBooks.

Sledding in Tombeek

Don't tell my manager Dieter that today I stopped working for an hour to go sledding...

Have a look here (better with sound):

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Commentaire sur Facebook

J'ai posté le commentaire suivant sur le site de François Colette, à propos de Facebook.


"Moi j’aime bien les réseaux sociaux. Facebook est celui que j’aime le moins. Je n’aime pas devoir “installer des applications”, c’est pour moi contraire aux principes même du web.

Ce qui me fait peur avec Facebook c’est l’utilisation qui pourrait en être faite : si on pense à comment les juifs ont été pourchassés avec des registres papier pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, on se rend compte il serait aujourd’hui tres facile de cibler un groupe particulier via un système comme facebook. Et je ne parle pas encore d’une éventuelle application de dénonciation (anonyme) qui serait installée sur Facebook.

En cas de troisième guerre mondiale, la première cible à détruire serait peut-être facebook."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009 : My 2008 Best Shots

As usual, to send you my Best Wishes for the coming year, I send you my best shots of the year before. Here are my best shots of 2008.

HAPPY 2009 !!!