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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yesterday I finished reading the last Harry Potter. This last book was really great ! It was really in line with the other books. It's a masterpiece !

1 comment:

Veerle en/et François said...

I fully agree and even more ! :-) But OK, I'm a big HP fan... Harry Potter, I mean, not my wonderful employer.
I personally read all Harry Potter books in UK english version. The last one was released on July 21 2007. I got my copy on July 27. I finished the book 5 days later. Yes, I need to share the book with my wife who also is a big fan.
It is wonderful how Rowling consolidates all 6 previous books in this final episode by linking constantly to previous facts who then seemed OK and understood but which are now explained under another light. And everything keeps coherent !
Great masterpiece !
To summarize, great atmosphere out of the book and a lot of action.

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